Cheerleading tryouts will be held Monday, August 2 through Wednesday, August 4 from 5:00 - 7:00 pm in the Wekiva Cafeteria. Interested students should wear athletic shorts and sneakers, and tie hair away from the face and neck if needed. Cheerleaders will be evaluated on cheer, chant, dance, tumbling, spirit, attitude, and appearance.
Both sideline and competition cheerleading require the same Athletic Clearance as all other sports, including the AT-2 physical form, ECG, and three required online courses. All required documents and completion certificates must be submitted by July 30 in order to try out. See under Forms/Docs for more details. When you begin the process, choose "Competitive Cheerleading" as the sport regardless of whether you wish to try out for the sideline program, competition program, or both.
We have also posted a Cheerleading Tryout Packet under Forms/Docs containing much more detailed information on what to expect and what will be expected of you. Please read it carefully, and print, sign, and bring a copy of the last page.
You must attend all three days of tryouts. Incoming freshmen are eligible.
For more information, contact Coach Woods at 803-565-1721 or